Why Hire our Students?
Our Students are Diverse
Our Students are Movers and Shakers
Dominican University is recognized as the #1 school for social mobility in Illinois, and our students come to us to learn the necessary skills to advance in their future careers.
Our Students Have Relevant Experience
The majority of our students work part- or full-time jobs while completing their degrees, utilizing skills learned in the classroom the very next day. Additionally, many majors and programs require students to complete an internship prior to graduation, which means that they are prepared for employment upon graduation.
Our Students Have an Entrepreneurial Spirit
Faculty encourage students to think outside the box and prepare for leadership that inspires innovation and enables social mobility. Students partner with local business for practicums and internships for real-world experience.
Chicago is our Classroom
Dominican University is located in River Forest, just 10 miles from downtown Chicago, giving our students access to a diverse, urban city. From River Forest to the Magnificent Mile, our students are prepared to work in any environment.