Career Development Through Conference Travel


Below are Opportunities for Funding for Conference Travel:
      • Undergraduate Research Scholarship and Creative Investigation (URSCI)

        The URSCI Research or Conference Travel Support Grant program promotes undergraduate research by helping to defray the costs of independent student projects and student travel to professional conferences. These grants, up to $500 each, are awarded for: Approved supplies and equipment for a research project, Approved travel to a professional conference or Travel to a unique resource collection within the continental United States for the purposes of scholarly research. All full-time undergraduates who have a GPA of at least 2.5 are eligible to apply. A Dominican University faculty member must sponsor the student’s application, though the student is responsible for completing and submitting the application. More information can be found on Canvas. Self-enroll in the Canvas course to learn more.

      • Excellence in Experiential Learning Scholar Awards (ExcEL)

        Excellence in Experiential Learning (ExcEL) Scholar Awards provide scholarships of up to $2000 to undergraduate students seeking to enhance their education through experiences beyond the classroom. These opportunities include studying abroad, conducting independent research, funding internships, engaging in community-based learning, or pursuing creative and entrepreneurial projects. ExcEL Awards are open to all students at Dominican, regardless of immigrant status. The award application periods run from mid-September to mid-October in the fall semester and from early February to early March in the spring semester. Contact Director for Civic Learning Paul Simpson at or visit the ExcEL website to learn more.

      • Conference Travel Support through a Faculty Research Lab

        Students who work with a faculty member in a research lab may have opportunities for funded travel through their faculty sponsor. If you are doing research in a faculty lab (at Dominican or another university), ask your faculty research mentor if there is funding available for conference travel.

      • Conference Travel Grants through a Professional Association or Company
        Many professional associations offer student conference travel awards. If you are interested in attending a conference, find the professional association that sponsors work in that field, and search the professional association website for student travel grants. To find professional associations, Google your field of interest (e.g., “neuroscience”, “accounting”, “social work”, etc.) and “professional association” to find the association that sponsors your field. Once you find the professional association website, search the site for conferences and student travel awards to find opportunities. As one example, check out this opportunity for funded travel to the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities (HACU travel grant). As another example, Google offers conference travel scholarships to technology conferences (see here). 
  • Conference Travel through Dream.US
  • If you are a Dream.US scholar, watch your inbox for invitations for opportunities to attend national conferences. Students in different majors are invited to apply to travel at different times of the year.