It’s 8:00 a.m. on a Friday, and the students in CV300.205 are wide awake, actively engaging in Hernan Espinosa’s class. Kudos to both the instructor and the students for bringing energy and focus to early morning career development!
CV300 is designed to build upon the foundations laid in CV100 and CV200, offering students the chance to sharpen key career skills. From refining personal statements and elevator pitches to honing intermediate interviewing techniques, this class helps students elevate their professional presence. In addition, students are continuing to network effectively to building social capital that will serve them in their career journeys.
But the course goes beyond just practical skills. CV300 delves deeper into the concepts of career and vocation, self-awareness, and the ability to clearly articulate one’s career goals. The focus on career self-efficacy—helping students believe in their ability to navigate the job market with confidence—is a cornerstone of the program.
The Center for Professional Exploration & Readiness (CPER) is here to support you every step of the way. Whether it’s through CV classes, personalized guidance from career advisors and mentors, or hands-on experience with career practicums, we’ve got your back!
To take full advantage of these resources, schedule a meeting through Handshake or stop by Lewis 216. We’re here to help you succeed!